
Customer Testimonials

We’re always seeking feedback from our customers. If you have any comments about the service we provided, please e-mail us and let us know! If you received outstanding service or were impressed with our technicians, you can help us grow our business by leaving a review on Google, Kudzu, or Angie’s List!

I called this company not knowing anything about them. The response was just great–on time, very pleasant. The service call for a stove problem was $49. The repairman (Stan) diagnosed the problem and ordered a part.

He returned 2 days later, installed the part and tested the oven temp very thoroughly to make sure it was right. The initial visit was deducted from the final bill. Good communication–to make sure someone was there and tell me they were on the way, etc. I will definitely use them again. It reminded me of good service “like the old days”.

– David | Nashville
Review Source: Google

I called at 10 am because my icemaker was broken, and the technician, Stan, was at my door 3 hours later. It was repaired that afternoon. Stan was so knowledgeable and professional. I would highly recommend ASappliance especially since they are one of the few services to work on Samsung. Their rates were very reasonable, too. What a great experience.

– Judith | Nashville
Review Source: Yelp

Real good service. Came on time, made more than expected. Accurate and detailing. Got out tons of dirt. My dryer looks brand new now. New air connection to the wall. New parts. No smell any more.

I’ll call them again for my refrigerator be cleaned and repaired. Recommend.

– Tim | Lebanon
Review Source: Google